From my Perspective

This is a blog where I'll post anything at the top of my mind and a lot about my daily life and activities.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When will the Madness End?!

Hiroshi Tau, my massively popular non-japanese real action figure anime series will begin again tomorrow, with even more suspenseful occurences. Is Hiroshi and Tau's mother really an ent, and if she is, how were they born!?!? These and other questions will be answered in the episodes to come. Be sure to bookmark this site, or at least write the URL down, because if someone were to be away from their own computer when a new episode appears on this site, they could miss valuable occurences in the thrilling storyline.


  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger Samuel Grund said…

    argg, i got one of those fanbrinnk whatever comments too.

    btw, u do know that ents are male right?

    entwives are female :P

    now try explaining their birth... :D


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