From my Perspective

This is a blog where I'll post anything at the top of my mind and a lot about my daily life and activities.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I'll be in Minnesota until Saturday. I may post if my hotel has a computer. Oh yeah the results for this week's JC/WHS Invitational was as follows:
  1. Pat Bradley
  2. Jon Langess
  3. Justin Carlson
  4. Aaron Gaboury
There was not as big of a turnout as i would have liked, but there were a lot of conflicts, and KC somehow did not know about the race.

And if you are someone other than Devon LaVoy or Tom Berry I strongly urge you to leave a comment with your name just so I know who actually reads this and that it isn't just a waste of time. I mean I have the link right in my Profile, its not like this blog is hard to access.


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