From my Perspective

This is a blog where I'll post anything at the top of my mind and a lot about my daily life and activities.

Friday, December 30, 2005


Contact me for details

random picture

Monday, December 26, 2005

One last look at these bad boys...

there comes a time to hang up the moon boots and move on...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

It appears I have a roaming gnome in my house... Here is some rare footage I have obtained of the gnome in it's natural habitat:

Saturday, December 17, 2005

one more week...

sorry for the lack of posts recently there really hasn't been much to post on but when i get my dig camerea for christmas my blog will be a wee bit more exciting. that's all for now, oh btw visit my facebook at .

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


The impact of a blow like this is second only to the legendary roundhouse kick performed often by this martial arts great.

The look on his face is not determination, nor is it concentration... it is boredom.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Floor 9, Main Building

Just got out of my last apointment. Leaving to go eat now then heading to Green Bay to stay overnight then coming home tomorrow.

Country Inn and Suites

Right now I am in Rochester at Country Inn and Suites using their computer. Not much to say right now.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I'll be in Minnesota until Saturday. I may post if my hotel has a computer. Oh yeah the results for this week's JC/WHS Invitational was as follows:
  1. Pat Bradley
  2. Jon Langess
  3. Justin Carlson
  4. Aaron Gaboury
There was not as big of a turnout as i would have liked, but there were a lot of conflicts, and KC somehow did not know about the race.

And if you are someone other than Devon LaVoy or Tom Berry I strongly urge you to leave a comment with your name just so I know who actually reads this and that it isn't just a waste of time. I mean I have the link right in my Profile, its not like this blog is hard to access.